GAP Rental Assistance

Immigrants Resource Center of Maine > GAP Rental Assistance

The Gap Rental Assistance Program was initially conceived to provide assistance to 57 families consisting of asylum seekers with zero income. These families were previously housed through the Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program. The primary objective of the Gap Rental Assistance Program was to bridge the existing rental gap by supplementing General Assistance (GA) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) payments, which were sourced from the Emergency Rental Assistance Program.

This endeavor was undertaken to ensure the housing stability of the initial 57 families and to prevent eviction. Remarkably, this objective was achieved in record time. Subsequently, we pursued an amendment to the Gap Rental Assistance Program contract, which was favorably received and accepted by the funding entity. The amendment was aimed at expanding our reach to assist more families than originally projected.

As of today, our program has extended its support to over 200 families. While some of these families continue to receive gap payments, our parallel housing stability initiatives are equipping them for success in the job market and empowering them to maintain their housing once they transition out of the program. This holistic approach has proven to be a resounding success, offering comprehensive support to families in need and setting them on a path to self-sufficiency.